Interactive Jewish Spiritual Ceremonies
Bnei Mitzvah, Shabbat, Weddings
As the daughter of a rabbi, I grew up in synagogue and youth movement leading prayer, reading Torah and teaching students. I am a person of deep faith and connection to our tradition, with respect for all human beings. I have studied music and voice since I was five years old, and am able to function as a rabbi and cantor for smachot (Joyous Occasions). I tailor my approach to the sensibilities of your family - whether you are more traditional, or more secular - we will find the way to make the service meaningful for you.
What can I do for your Jewish experience?
* Bar/Bat Mitzvah: I help students to find their voice, develop their confidence and sing/ speak as beautifully as they can on their special day. I help to guide and lead the service - which is built together with the family catering to their specific needs, and the needs of the bar/bat mitzvah. (For example, taking in to account learning disabilities, level of Hebrew or none at all, finding space for the unique talents of the bar/bat mitzvah to be incorporated into the ceremony). I work internationally. I can teach the bar/bat mitzvah on Zoom, or work together with a local teacher. I then fly out for the event. I have successfully completed this process from Cape Town to California to Israel.
* Weddings: Lead a Jewish wedding ceremony, allowing the couple to incorporate the Jewish tradition in a way that is meaningful to them.
* Shabbat Services that open people's hearts and connect them to our ancient tradition and to God.
Please contact me directly for pricing. Let's figure out a way to make it work for both sides. I am often traveling for concerts/ Jewish events - so sometimes this can offset travel costs. The most important aspect for me is that your event is meaningful and unforgettable.
Kabbalat Shabbat
A musical, spiritually uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat tailored to the traditions of your community

Bar/ Bat Mitzvah
I teach bar and bat mitzvah to chant their Torah portion according to the traditional blessings and trope, as well as to lead parts of the service. This process ideally begins 2-6 months before the ceremony. Alternatively, the bar/bat mitzvah can research and say a Dvar Torah as in this example below
Prayer Service
Together with the bar mitzvah family, the wedding couple or the community, we build a service that incorporates traditional prayers as well as songs/ poems that are meaningful to you. I lead the service with guitar and singing.